
Teaching and Learning Books

  • đź“šWalker J, Awange JL (2020). Surveying for Civil and Mining Engineers. Acquire the Skills in Weeks. Springer International Publishing AG (411pp). 2nd Edition.
    ISBN: 978-3-030-45803-4
  • đź“šWalker J, Awange JL(2018; a total of 11703-chapter downloads and one of the top 50% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection in 2019). Surveying for Civil and Mining Engineers. Theory, Workshops and Practicals. Springer International Publishing AG.
    ISBN: 978-3-319-53128-1

Students and Research Associates Supervised

Postdoctoral/Research Associates Supervised: 7 international students from Germany, USA, Vietnam, Brazil, Australia, and China.

Supervised PhD, MSc, & BSc students with outcomes: More than 40 (see examples below).

PhD Students

  • Khandu (Honours, PhD): Assessing climate change impacts on water resources in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin
    Thesis Link
    🏆 2013 IPCC Award (€30,000), D B Johnston Award for Excellence (2017)
  • Christopher Ndehedehe (PhD): Remote Sensing of West Africa’s Water Resources Using Multi-Satellites and Models.
    Thesis Link
    🏆 Chancellor’s Recommendation for Outstanding PhD Thesis
  • Mehdi Khaki (PhD): Integration Framework for Merging Satellite Remote Sensing Observations with Hydrological Models Outputs.
    Thesis Link
    🏆 2019 Postgraduate Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA)
  • Kexiang Hu (PhD): Understanding Australia’s groundwater spatio-temporal variability in relation to its hydroclimate-hydrogeology.
    Thesis Link
    🏆 the 2023 Postgraduate Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA), WA and the 2023 Postgraduate Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA), Oceanic.
  • Jieolong Wang (Chinese Scholarship Council sponsored PhD student):
    🏆 Best Oral Presentation Award Hononary Mention, awarded by ISPRS Technical Commission IV held at Perth, Australia.